
Sunday, July 31, 2022

Monday Making - a busy week in the sewing room

Idaho Beauty quilt block...

An almost finished (?) quilt top...
That I absolutely LOVE!

And a THRIFTY block for my summertime sampler quilt.

Yes! It was a busy week!
Busy is GOOD.

Everything is shared on my Youtube channel:

What are YOU making this week?

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Sunday, July 24, 2022

Monday making - red lilies and a quilt along

This week I began a quilt using what I call...

I realize “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”...
SO this is MY idea of 
The most beautiful quilt block.

What is YOUR “most beautiful quilt block?”

I also added the second quilt block to my little

The propeller block.

My quilt is made up of all solids.
Oranges, greens, mustards....

Hope it all comes together as well as my imagination says it will!

What are YOU making this week??

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Sunday, July 17, 2022

Monday making

I made a new chevron table runner this week.
It looks fabulous on my patio table!
Love the colors.

I also began a little quilt along on my youtube channel.

What are YOU making??

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Sunday, July 10, 2022

Monday making - summertime sewing

It’s summer here!
I am enjoying the warm weather.
Every season has it's own beauty.
I've been alternating between the beauty outside
and sewing inside!

I love making useful things out of OLD things.

This little zipper bag is my most recent little project.
So simple.
So sweet.

I also worked on a new quilt block this week.
It is called Prairie Queen.
An oldie...but a goodie.
I love this soft 2 color version.

But scrappy blocks always make me happy!

What are you making this week?

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Sunday, July 3, 2022

monday making - casseroles and more

This week I made a little casserole carrier.
I filled it with a few of the MANY, many plums
That filled our tree this year.

They are tasty alone...
 But I really LOVE them cooked with a tiny bit of sugar.

I also added an alternate block for my little sunbonnet Sue quilt blocks.

Some half square triangles and some hourglass blocks
All joined together made the sweetest little scrappy block.
It’s called “beacon lights”.

I share more details on my youtube channel.

What are YOU making this week??

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