
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

PINK STARS quilt along - block #7

TODAY I am making block #7
For the PINK STARS quilt along!

The block is called
“French silk pie”
It is 9 1/2” UNfinished.

I am dividing the directions up into TWO sections.
Flying geese units
Shaded four patch units
(There are FOUR of each)

For the FLYING GEESE units-

ONE (1) 4 1/4” square - background fabric
FOUR (4) 2” x 3 1/2” rectangles - blue
FOUR (4) 2 1/2” x 2 1/2” squares - pink

Lay 2 pink squares onto background square
Opposite sides.

Draw line down the middle
Sew on either side of pencil line.
Cut on pencil line.

Press open

Add ONE pink square to opposite corner

Draw pencil line
Sew on either side of pencil line
Cut along pencil line

Press open.

You should have FOUR flying geese units

Add BLUE rectangles to units as shown.

Blocks should measure 3 1/2" x 3 1/2"


you will need
TWO (2) 3 1/2" x 5" rectangles - light pink print
FOUR (4) 2" x 3 1/2" rectangles - background fabric
FOUR (4) 2" x 2" squares - pink

Attach pink squares to background rectangles.

JOIN units as shown

Mark 3 1/2" from PINK square side to center of unit.
Do the same of the other side.
Draw line from 3 1/2" mark to corner of unit

SEW along pencil line and trim 1/4" away.
remove excess in the center.

Press open
Make TWO more using the same method.

Arrange as shown....
with a 3 1/2" square of background in the center

Happy sewing Friends!

Make TWO of these blocks if you are quilting along with me!

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Monday Making - baby quilt

This week I was able to make a quilt.

I didn’t need to shop.
Everything was in the stash.
Those are are the BEST kinds of quilts!

I even found a lovely backing fabric 
that really added a SWEETNESS
to this quilt.

I documented the whole process HERE.

What are YOU making this week???

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

PINK STARS quilt along - block #6

Today’s quilt along star is called ORNATE star.
It’s a beautiful star quilt block using FOUR different fabrics.

This quilt block requires:

ONE (1) 3 1/2” x 3 1/2” dark pink square - top left

FOUR (4) 3 1/2” x 3 1/2” mustard squares - top right

FOUR (4) 4 1/2” x 4 1/2” squares - Bottom left
Two (2) lighter pink
One (1) light print
One (1) background

SIXTEEN (16) 2” x 2” squares - background fabric

First make your square in a square blocks.
Use the mustard 3 1/2” squares and the 2” background squares.

Attach two small squares to opposite sides using a diagonal line through the 2” square.
Attach the next two small squares to the remaining corners.
Trim excess fabric behind this seam.

Make four

Next make FOUR hourglass blocks using the 4 1/2” squares

Begin by making four half square triangles.
Use the half square triangles to make FOUR hourglass blocks.

Trim to 3 1/2” x 3 1/2”

All of this information is also on my youtube channel HERE.

Happy sewing!

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Monday Making - a Table runner

I took my latest PINK STARS quilt along block
And turned it into something for the table!!

I switched colors...
Switched placement on the middle block.....


Isn’t patchwork fun??

Info on my process HERE

 What are YOU making this week??

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

PINK STARS - quilt along block #5

This is the FIFTH star in the
PINK STARS quilt along!

Simple and sweet!

Begin with:

TWO (2) 4 1/2” X 4 1/2” PINKS
TWO (2) 4 1/2”X 4 1/2” BACKGROUND

TWO (2) 4” X 4” PINKS

ONE (1) 3 1/2” PINK

My background fabric is from a cotton shirt 😉



Trim ALL the blocks to 3 1/2” x 3 1/2”


Make TWO blocks if you are quilting along with me.

Happy sewing friends!

Instructions are also on my youtube channel.

If you’d like to share what YOU are making
You can tag me on instagram.



Sunday, July 11, 2021

Monday Making- collector’s edition

While visiting my daughter this week
We went to an estate sale.

I never expected to find GOLD!

This is a hand pieced quilt top....
Ready to be finished.

All the fabrics are SO FUN to admire!
LOVE all the vintage fabrics!

And this quilt was hand quilted.

I always say I am NOT a quilt collector.
But sometimes...
They just FALL in my LAP!!

Here’s your chance to link up.
What are YOU making this week??
Or collecting??? LOL

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

PINK STARS quilt along - block #4

This week is the FOURTH week of
PINK STARS quilt along.

This quilt block is called
Dove at the window.

Here are the fabrics you will need for ONE block.
I am making TWO blocks for my quilt.

Background - eight (8) 3 1/2” squares
Blue - Four (4) 3 1/2” x 4 1/2” rectangles for star points
Pink - Two (2) 1 1/4” x 3 1/2” strips
Two (2) 1 1/4” x 2” strips

For hourglass block in the center
Background - One (1) 3” x 3” square
Blue - One (1) 3” x 3” square
This is enough for TWO hourglass blocks

All instruction is on my youtube channel this week.

First cut two sets of 2 rectangles OPPOSITE ways....
Corner to corner diagonally.

These are your star points.

Cover FOUR background squares with two star points each.

Make hourglass center square with 3” blue and 3” background squares.
Sew on either side of a pencil line and cut in half diagonally

Put these 2 half square triangles together....
Right sides together....
Blue facing background.

Sew on either side of pencil line
And cut in half diagonally.

Trim this little block to 2” x 2”

Surround it with your pink strips.

Sew it ALL together!!

Block measures 9 1/2”. Unfinished

Happy SEWING!!