
Sunday, February 26, 2017

Monday Making

When I make a quilt for a young man...
I gravitate to these colors.

I also LOVE adding stripes and plaids.
I actually have a SPECIAL box at my house....
JUST for stripes and plaids.
It EVEN contains some hand-me-down shirts!

I seem to get hand me down fabric too!

This plaid backing was given to me a long time ago.
Who knew it would be JUST RIGHT for this quilt??

The binding is finally ON
and I can call this quilt DONE!

I LOVED making this one!

This quilt is going to be given to a graduating
high school senior.
I have been making and giving quilts 
to the high school seniors of my church
for more that 15 years!
Often I organize sewing days for this project.....
but this year was so busy, I just worked on this alone.

What are YOU making this week??

Link up and share!

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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Monday Making

IT's time for MONDAY MAKING!!!
I'm still whipping up small quilts for the table.....
to be auctioned off in April at a retreat.
I like this springy group of squares!

My husband has been busy in the garden
and we enjoy "HomeGROWN" at each meal!

Gardening is a special KIND of making!!
I am SO happy this happens at my house!

I'm also HAPPY when I get to play with these three!!!

Children and Grandchildren give us an EXTRA reason to MAKE!!

This is the beginning of a toddler summer sweater.
The pattern has long sleeves.
I'm going to make them short.

What are YOU making this week??
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Friday, February 17, 2017


I loved pulling out these cheery red fabrics
and trying my hand at hearts this week!

This is a table mat made for a retreat auction coming up.

I loved adding the hand quilting.
It's those little stitches that make small projects

I used embroidery floss....
a large needle and BIG stitches.

I just echoed around the  hearts and added some simple lines.

The pattern for the hearts was found here.
I made the smallest version
and added some 1 1/2" strips between.

Happy Friday!
May your weekend bring you time to SEW!!!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Monday Making

Oh my goodness!
I LOVE these little potholders that fell together
using scraps from my basket!

I made them for someone else...
but am SO tempted to use them in MY kitchen!
After all...
they match my favorite pot!!!

They are about 9" square,
I used an old clean towel for batting.
I'm thrifty like that.

Here's some kitchen success:

SUCH a wonderful tasty dinner!
Butter makes everything super yummy!

what are YOU making this week???

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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Small Finishes

It was a week of small projects for me.

This little Pepper Table mat will join the others
going to a retreat in April.
I found those pepper squares in my 2 1/2" square drawer.
They make this table mat so BRIGHT and cheery!

The table mats will be auctioned off
and will HOPEFULLY find themselves
Happy HOMES!

MY goal is 12!!

I also made this little tiny patchwork mug rug
for a new member at church.
Men are a little bit of a challenge to sew for,
don't you think?
I hope this little mat says WELCOME!!!

Then there are these super simple slippers
that have been UN-finished for a couple of years!!!

Finally done!

Last, but not least,
a little tiny pair of slippers.

A new pattern for me.
Fairly easy to make
They're TOO small for granddaughter!
Oh well...
Someone else will get to wear them.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Monday Making

I try to squeeze in time to quilt...
but THIS year has been the year of the waiting room!

The foster baby we've been caring for has a myriad of appointments
and THAT is when I get the most MAKING done.

I knit at his therapy three times a week..
the other appointments that fill my calendar.

I started this scarf on a whim
and WOW...
It's taken me a LONG time to get this far!
It IS the perfect take along.
No thinking...
NO counting...
The pattern is here.
And....As you can see...
my stripes are random.
Some big.
some small.

There are NO stripes at all!!!
I love to "mess with" patterns.

There was some making in my kitchen this week too!
NON-edible carrots....made by my granddaughter.
They look so real!!

what are YOU making this week???

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Friday, February 3, 2017

friday finish

I'm SO happy I was able to squeeze a little quilting time in this week!

This little table topper will be quilted 
and then auctioned off with the others at an upcoming retreat!

This classic blue and white mix makes me happy!!

The half square triangles are 2 1/2"x 2 1/2".
This little quilt measures about 16 1/2" square.

I sure like the way the striped fabrics give this quilt MOTION!!
the polka dots give it "Happy"!!!